Arthroscopic Foot And Ankle Surgery

The Foot and Ankle Sports Institute -  - Foot and Ankle Surgeon

The Foot and Ankle Sports Institute

Foot and Ankle Surgeons & Sports Medicine Specialists located in Burbank, CA & Santa Monica, Los Angeles, CA

Few things have revolutionized foot and ankle care more than arthroscopic foot and ankle surgery. At The Foot and Ankle Sports Institute in Burbank, West LA, and Agoura Hills, California, highly skilled specialists offer the very latest surgical techniques to help you get back on your feet and back into your normal routines as quickly as possible. Call or click today to schedule a consultation.  

Arthroscopic Foot and Ankle Surgery Q & A

What kinds of issues can be treated using arthroscopic foot and ankle surgery?

Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive technique that can address a number of different foot and ankle conditions. Some of the issues that respond well to this approach include:

  • Removing loose pieces of bone, scar tissue, or cartilage
  • Repairing torn ligaments
  • Correcting joint deformities
  • Fusing joints
  • Releasing impingement

Arthroscopic procedures also give your surgeon a clear visual overview of the affected area and play a significant role in the diagnostic process. Usually, your surgeon can determine the cause of your symptoms and repair damaged joint components during the same procedure.  

How does arthroscopic foot and ankle surgery work?

Arthroscopic surgery uses incredibly slim tools to access the small spaces within your foot and ankle. A small tube containing a special light and camera enters your foot or ankle and gathers real-time imaging of the affected tissue. 

Arthroscopic surgery requires just a few small incisions. Your practitioner inserts slim surgical tools into the surgical space and makes alterations while viewing your internal structures on an external screen. 

Once the required alterations are made, your surgeon simply removes the surgical instruments and camera apparatus. In many cases, the incisions created during arthroscopic foot and ankle surgery don’t even need to be sutured and can simply be closed using surgical adhesive and bandaged. 

What are the benefits of arthroscopic foot and ankle surgery?

As compared to traditional open surgery, arthroscopic surgery offers a number of benefits. Some of the reasons why both patients and practitioners prefer arthroscopic foot and ankle surgery include:

  • Less time under anesthesia
  • Faster recovery time
  • Lower risk of infection
  • Less tissue disruption
  • Minimal blood loss
  • Reduced scarring
  • Less pain during recovery

When arthroscopic techniques are a good fit, your practitioner will explain the procedure and recovery process in detail prior to your surgical appointment. 

The team at The Foot and Ankle Sports Institute spends considerable time and effort researching the latest advancements in minimally invasive surgery, and team members bring the best options to their practice. Explore arthroscopic foot and ankle surgery in greater detail during a face-to-face consultation, which you can book online or by phone today.